Aqua Biotic Karides Yetiştiriciliğinde Hayvan Sağlığı Probiyotiği


Problem Silent Tsunami

Antibiotics began to fail. Scientists haven't launched a new molecule since 1987, and resistant bacteria are already causing more than 750,000 deaths each year. 106 million new cases/year are seen. This figure is expected to rise dramatically if radical measures are not taken. The consequences of total resistance will be devastating. More than 60% of populations in some areas contain multidrug-resistant bacteria in the normal bacterial flora. It is estimated that 214,000 newborns die each year from blood infections (sepsis) caused by resistant bacteria – this represents at least 30% of sepsis deaths in newborns.

Antibiotic resistance has become one of the biggest threats to global health
Antimicrobial resistance (AMD) is a global health threat, with antimicrobial use in animal production and AMD being a contributory source. Poultry is one of the most widely consumed types of meat worldwide. Poultry flocks are often raised under intensive conditions using large quantities of antimicrobials to prevent and treat disease as well as to stimulate growth. Antimicrobial resistant poultry pathogens can lead to treatment failure, resulting in economic losses, but can also be a source of resistant bacteria/genes (including zoonotic bacteria) that can pose a risk to human health. The researchers estimate that globally, the average annual consumption of antibiotics is 148 mg/kg per kilogram of chicken produced.

AGPs have been banned in more than 30 countries around the world due to concerns for human health and the emergence of superbugs or the emergence of multiple antibiotic-resistant bacteria. In 35 countries, there is a veterinary prescription requirement.

Luminous vibriosis is a shrimp disease caused by bacterial infection by Vibrio species, which causes huge economic losses as a result of massive shrimp mortality in the shrimp industry. The use of antibiotics to control Vibrio is not permitted in shrimp farming in the United States and therefore it is necessary to develop an alternative method of pathogen control for shrimp production.


  • Vibrio alginolyticus
  • Vibrio cholera
  • Vibrio harveyi
  • Vibrio parahaemolyticus
  • Vibrio vulnificus

Salmonella is not generally considered to be a problem in wild offshore production unless contamination occurs after harvest . In 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) analyzed both wild and aquacultured seafood and found that aquacultured seafood contained more Salmonella than wild-caught seafood. In addition, Salmonella occurs in 25% of the sediments in shrimp-growing ponds.

Although the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) does not allow the use of antibiotics in shrimp farming, the overuse of antibiotics in Asian shrimp farming worries some researchers about the potential to introduce antibiotic-resistant bacteria in Canada through imported seafood. And analysis found that 17% of imported seafood carries bacteria that are resistant to at least one antibiotic, such as E. coli and staph aureus.

Do Not Use Antibiotics! Turn Your Farm Into An Organic Farm!

AQUA-BIOTIC ®, Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens strain FD777, was selected based on its survival in the Gastro-intestinal tract with its ability to withstand high pH, ​​low pH and high concentrations of bile acids. Spores are resistant to physical and environmental factors such as heat, drying and UV radiation, which allows them to maintain their vitality and desirable properties during feed pelleting, storage and processing.

The combination of 34+ Natural Antibiotics in AQUA-BIOTIC ® works synergistically to denature DNA, RNA, enzymes and stop all activase metabolism mitochondria and inner cell respiration within pathogenic bacteria. It acts as a preventive and therapeutic.

Antibiotics genetically elicited and produced by Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens FD777 34+

  • Macrolactin
  • Bacillaene
  • Difficidin
  • Iturin
  • Bacilysin
  • Surfactin
  • Bacteriocin
  • Bacillibactin
  • Kalimantacin
  • Plantathiazolicin
  • Plantazolicin
  • Batumin
  • Fengycin
  • Bacillomycin
  • Fusaricidin
  • Bacitracin
  • Tridecaptin
  • Plipastatin
  • Teichuronic acid
  • Subtilin
  • Locillomycin
  • Myxovirescin
  • Citrulline
  • Bacitracin
  • Nosperine

These antibiotics are thermostable and Salmonella | E. coli | Has antimicrobial activity against potential pathogens such as Vibrio EMS & AHPNS

  1. Replaces Antibiotic Growth Supplements
  2. It is used as a preventive & therapeutic for bio-solution purposes.
  3. Lowers mortality

  5. Replaces Probiotics and Water Disinfectants
  6. Reduces FCR
  7. Increases Body Weight Gain

Application Method

First 2 weeks: 3 L AQUA-BIOTIC ® / 1000 Kg / Feed From the
third week: 1 L AQUA-BIOTIC ® / 1000 Kg / Feed
AQUA BIOTIC ®, stop AGPs, essential oils and probiotics in feed during dosing.

Aqua Biotic'in Salmonella üzerindeki etkisi
Reference Agro Hayvancılık

